Every arab loves ma7shi or some stuffed vegetable. But with all that love and punch of taste, is having that much of white rice good for you? White rice consumption was associated with a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes, and this if often used as a reason to avoid rice. hite rice no longer contains beneficial nutrients because its husk, bran, and germ were removed. Essentially, the grains are made up sugar.

Unlike brown or black rice, white rice is rich in empty calories. And eating a lot of rice could lead to chronic diseases, including diabetes and obesity. Because white rice starch is also viscous, it’s harder to digest. This leads to digestive discomforts, fatigue, and indigestion. It’s also low in dietary fiber. Fiber is an essential nutrient that aids in digestion and prevents heart disease. It also regulates the digestive system. White rice also lacks essential nutrients to a point where it disrupts body processes.

According to a recent study on Youm El Sabe3, more than 11% of the Arab population due to eating habits. White rice and carbohydrates play a big role in our every day meals and it has become a serious matter when it comes to our health. Even though white rice is stuffed inside vegetables, it still doesn’t make it right to eat that amount of rice. To make this a more healthy meal try to add vegetables mixed with the stuffed rice will help balance out the ma7shi we all have loved ever since we were children. So next time you make some ma7shi add some more vegetables into the rice and bonn appetit!